Origin of the name
The name NiZ is derived from the name of the founder's daughter. By using his own daughter's name for the brand name, we are deeply attached to her. In Chinese, '宁宁' means tranquillity and peacefulness, while '芝' symbolises exquisiteness and elegance. The name not only expresses the company's love for its daughter, but also its commitment to its products and the founder's desire to provide users with a quiet and comfortable usage experience.
brand story
With the NiZ keyboard, your work and hobbies can be more fun, more free and more you.
Technical Mark Certification.

Please note that this certification body is the German certification body "PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH", which is not a body that certifies "technical standards conformity certification or construction design" in Japan, but a "foreign (mutual recognition) registered foreign conformity assessment body". The "PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH" certification body can be found on the radio wave application homepage of the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in the 'System overview (list of registered certification bodies)'.
Link here: https://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/j/sys/equ/tech/